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Grace Willard, Phillip Chen, 
Zack Hersh, Giuli Hoffmann


In progress


Virtual Reality, 180 degree filming


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This project is meant to provide experiential learning environments in VR that allow users to learn and practice necessary interpersonal skills in contextual settings. These skills support communication and relationship-building and have been highlighted in research by Klein (2006) and Bedwell et. al (2014). Wong (2019) has also outlined the importance of group behaviors and the cultivation of inclusive workplaces. These lessons were created to support larger goals within organizations and their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion goals. The project is meant to provide a series of lessons to users aimed at addressing common workplace issues including bias, pregnancy, them vs. us mindsets, and equitable treatment. The VR experiences are designed to be user-friendly with an intuitive user face.


Themes include: How to work with people who are different from you, how to make responsible decisions in a group environment, and how to promote equity in a diverse workplace.


Some of the goals are to: Recognize exclusionary practices, analyze how different members of a group are contributing to inclusionary and exclusionary practices, and demonstrate conflict resolution strategies within a meeting.

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